BIO HEAL BOH Probioderm Melting Collagen Deep Shot Nasolabial Fold & Cheek Film Film 5 Servings Set (+Collagen Water 91 Mist 15ml)


바이오힐보 프로바이오덤 멜팅 콜라겐 딥샷 팔자&앞볼 필름 5회분 기획(+콜라겐워터91미스트 15ml)


BIOHEAL BOH Probioderm Melting Collagen Deep Shot Nasolabial Folds & Cheek Film 5 Servings Set (+Collagen Water 91 Mist 15ml)

It shows the powerful synergy of collagen nano film and microshot.
It offers a faster and stronger deep shot for the smile lines and front cheek areas with microshots.
You can see with your eyes and feel with your skin the combination of dissolving collagen and microshots that produce a smooth egg-like skin.

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